Maynard Dube, Cafe2Go Franchisee Success Story
Franchisee name: Maynard Dube
Franchise name: Cafe2Go
Location of franchise: Centurion
1. Why did you go down the franchise route?
The franchise route is a method of doing business that works well and produces results. My major plus for the Franchise route was that it addresses the value chain framework making it easier for those starting up.
2. Why did you choose your franchise?
With the budget I had and the fascinating interest I had in coffee this was the right choice.
3. What did you do before taking up a franchise?
Prior to joining the franchise I worked for several blue chip companies as a Remuneration and benefits specialist. As a franchisee with flexible hours I continue to consult.
4. How did you raise the finance?
I have always wanted to be an entrepreneur and knew that one day an opportunity would arise to meet my dream and I have been saving for the day I would embark on the journey.
5. What training and support did you receive initially and ongoing?
The training and support enabled me to be brought up to speed on the successful methods of running the business. Ongoing training and support was the provision of reference material (the little book of everything) which assists in challenges that come up while you are running the business. With regards to support there are dedicated staff that provide ongoing assistance to franchisees.
6. What is a typical day for you as a franchisee?
A typical day involves the day to day operations of the business and also focusing on what needs to be improved in our operations. Long term planning is also essential so as to grow the business, since this is not an event but a process connecting the dots which are part and parcel of our typical day.
7. What challenges have you faced?
A franchisee must operate his / her business according to the procedures and within the restrictions set up by the franchisor. Conforming to these procedures and restrictions can become challenging if a franchisee is not used to conforming or working within the procedures and restrictions of the franchisor.
8. Has becoming a franchisee changed your life, if so how?
The Opening and Operating Experience of the Franchise has really changed my life in a positive way, in that everyday has been a learning curve which presents very worthwhile and diverse experiences.
9. What advice would you give to someone thinking of buying their first franchise?
My advice to aspiring franchisees is to set a budget, research the potential franchise through the disclosure document and existing franchisees. Take time to review the information before you make your decision.
10. What are your plans for the future?
My plan is to grow the business and acquire more locations for the franchise.
11. Would you do it again?
There is no going back on this worthwhile adventure and would definitely do it again.